Serengeti Nights – Night One in the Bush – My first night safari experience

Oct 14, 2022 | Travel Tales


Serengeti NP

Serengeti, Leopard in a Tree

Day one of my safari starts at 8am when Joshua, my driver/guide from Kilidove Tours & Safaris arrives at Korona House to pick me up. A tall slender guy in his early thirties he has a strong commend of the English language and as easy-going personality. It’s just you and me for the next 4 days, is it? I say to him. He laughs and extends his hand to me.

We leave Arusha and head towards the Serengeti entering via the Ngorongoro Crater and eventually heading east in the park towards the water supply and better viewing opportunities. The drive is about 5/6hours to our camp but with stops it can easily turn into a longer day. As in our case.

Around 6:30pm we arrive at Mawe Tented camp our base for the next 2 nights. We’re met by Davis the Camp Manager. He welcomes me and shows me straight to my tent while we still have some daylight. Once inside he takes a few minutes to explain the power and water supply, before moving on to the dos and don’ts.

Davis begins by telling me that after dusk there is no movement from your tent to the common and dining tent without and escort. He shows me the flashlight in my tent and instructs me to flash it towards the dining tent to alert a camp guide to come get me when I’m ready to leave for dinner. Sure, that’s easy, a SOS call, I say. Right Davis says and continues. After midnight no leaving your tent. If you have to, he shows me the whistle and instructs me to use it should I need help. Now my mind starts to wander. What possibly could happen, I’m thinking? Shit, am I going to be scared in the tent tonight as my imagination wanders with thoughts of bipolar lions and schizophrenic hyaenas. I’m starting to freak myself out. Davis senses my apprehension and asks, are you going to be scared? Me?!.. I say, nay, I’ll be fine, speaking with the confidence of Ali. Davis tries to settle my fears and tells me, don’t be afraid, even if the animals come right up to your tent. Just stay inside, they won’t hurt you. My mind is really wandering to the point I’m not really paying attention to anything he is saying anymore. Rum, I need a drink of rum, I say to myself. He leaves telling me he’ll be back at 7:30pm to escort me to the dining tent.

7:30pm sharp and Davis arrives. We sit outside my tent for a few minutes, so he turns the flashlight off and show me how dark it is. Yup, it’s dark! I couldn’t see a foot in front of me. I’m a sitting duck, or should I say, a sitting gazelle.

Dinner passes and I’m not up much longer afterwards. I get escorted to my tent and get ready for bed the whole time asking myself if I should leave a light on throughout the night. They probably won’t like that, with conserving power and everything, I tell myself. My internal dialogue just won’t go away. And I’m not sure how a light is going to help me anyway.

I quickly fall asleep but wake at 3:1am to sounds I’ve never heard before. And they sounds are coming from right outside my tent! OMG my imagination is starting to go crazy! Are these murdering hours, like when I was young, and Mom and Dad were out, and Mike would be out to all hours of the night leaving me home along and my mind would go wild. Crazy people go home by 5am…. while in my simple mind they did. Are animals the same? Are the crazy animals the ones that are out this time of night? And right outside my tent?

Relax, I tell myself, as I’m wondering what kind of moves, I’ll need to take them out. Sitting gazelle, I’m a sitting gazelle. Om shanti om shanti, as I try and switch my internal thoughts to a mediation mantra.

But in a world saturated with noise, solitude and space are the true definitions of luxury, so I decide to embrace the experience and appreciate the experience for what it is. One that is wrapped in nature and surrounded by beauty. And shortly after I start to feel myself drift into a slumber to the wilds of the Serengeti night.

Insider tip:

Recommend a private safari in order to have the game vehicle to yourself without worrying about having to stretch and juggle yourself around others in order to get optimal viewing opportunities.

Safari tour operator – Highly recommend Kilidove Tours & Safari. They can customize a tour and add in cultural tours and a stay at the beach.